Family Connection Services
Connection with Family
Staying connected to family is important for everyone, especially seniors. Social isolation can lead to a number of health problems, both physical and mental.
Why is this so important for seniors?
One-third of all seniors live by themselves, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That is close to 14 million seniors aging alone.
Wingman4Seniors can help.
We will evaluate your knowledge of using a smart phone, computer, and your ability to access social media platforms. We will then train you using easy to follow videos, to give you the confidence to connect and follow your family members and friends online.
The challenge is that less than 50% of seniors use social media, here is why:
Option overload.
There are 4.8 million apps today across the Apple and Google mobile platforms.
Rapid pace of technology updates and advancements.
Unlike companies who train workers on new technologies both phone and computer, seniors have to learn this on their own.
Negativity of Social Media.
Seniors value face to face communication above other forms of communication.
Fear of making costly or embarrassing mistakes.
Some of the mobile applications are free while others charge money for usage.