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Two older women smiling and looking at photos

Wingman4Seniors, LLC

Helping seniors living alone in the areas that matter most - Health, Wealth, & Connection 

Are you a senior who has felt overwhelmed by our health system, confused by hospital bills, or found it difficult to stay connected with loved ones? You are not alone. In fact, there are 14 million seniors in America who live alone and face significant challenges in the areas that matter most - Health (navigation and plan selection), Wealth Preservation (medical billing/subscription management), and Connection to Family (Technology Refresh). 

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How We Can Help

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Senior Woman at Doctor's Appointment

Health Navigation

Wingman4Seniors can help you:

  • Identify Top Doctors. We will help you locate the best-rated physician(s) for your condition(s) using three proven data-driven tools to rank providers.

  • Improve Access. We will provide you with current supply and demand information to identify shortages as well as strategies for gaining access.

  • Gain Insight into your Problem(s). Using three AI tools, we will provide you with the most current information on your condition including treatment options for your diagnosis. 

Senior Man on Laptop with Credit Card

Wealth Preservation

Wingman4Seniors can help you with:

  • Medical Bills. Review your medical bill(s), EOB (s), (explanation of benefits), and health benefits to ensure any outstanding balances are accurate.

  • Monthly Subscriptions. Audit subscriptions to ensure accuracy, prevent unwanted upcharges, terminate unused services, and shop rates to ensure best pricing.  

  • Credit Card Bills. Review and audit your credit card statement(s) to catch and eliminate mistakes as well as intentional fraud including what the FBI calls "dark patterns". 

Senior Woman using Laptop

Family Connection

Wingman4Seniors can help you:

  • Identify the Top 3 "Apps". We will work with you to identify the top 3 social media applications used by your children and grandchildren (if applicable).

  • "App" Training. We will train you (including leave-behind videos) on how to use the top 3 social media applications specified above.

  • Smart Phone Training. We will train you how to utilize your smartphone to access and use the top 3 social media applications specified above.

Press Play to Watch our Introductory 2 Minute Video

Wingman4Seniors Results

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Elderly woman looking confused with paperwork
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The Wealth (Preservation) Challenge

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Wingman4Seniors can help.

As an example, we saved an early adopter customer $750 by catching billing mistakes - unauthorized upcharges, billing mistakes, and "free subscriptions" that were not free.

Elderly man meeting with a doctor
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The Health Navigation Challenge

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Wingman4Seniors can help.

In the case above, we were able to obtain an appointment for our customer with an award-winning neurologist within 45 days.

Elderly man with family member teaching him how to use his mobile phone
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 The Connection (Family) Challenge

  • Did you know the average daily screen time for Gen Z (9-24 yrs old) and Millennials (25-40 yrs old) is 6.75 hrs?

  • ​Did you know that 96% of that time is social media; 4% is talk time?

  • Did you know that there are 8.9 million social media apps

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Wingman4Seniors can help.

We not only CONNECT you to the top three [3] social media apps used by your children/grandchildren, we train you. 

Doctor's Clinic

"Wingman4Seniors service and information was life changing. For me, after seeing several doctors who couldn't help, I finally found an elite specialist who could. It gave me hope and renewed energy.
The 16-page Health Navigation Report blew me away. I learned a lot about my diagnosis, the options, and the dire shortage of neurologists. A lot of life is mindset; this report gave me peace of mind & confidence.  I am so thankful I found Scott and Wingman4Seniors!" – SE

Scott Boyden, Founder and President of Wingman4Seniors

Hi, my name is Scott Boyden. I founded Wingman4Seniors to solve those challenges above in the areas that matter most - Health, Wealth, & Connection.


Imagine, you are a senior living alone facing a tricky medical diagnosis, dark patterns in your credit card bill, or trying to stay better connected to your children. 


The Bottom Line: Wingman4Seniors was created to ensure you are NOT alone - you now have a trusted life-line, a Wingman. 

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Wingman4Seniors Special Offer

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Early Adopter Program

For a limited time only we are offering early bird pricing to the first 10 enrollees into our Early Adopter Program, with a 100% money back guarantee. In fact, the Wealth Protection Service does not require any upfront money, we simply share in the savings. Complete our online registration form to see if you qualify - let's get started! 

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